Filtering for EMC

Good Electromagnetic (EM) Engineering is cost-effective SI, PI and EMC engineering! This Module contains many EM Engineering guidelines that should also be used as an initial design checklist to De-Risk a project’s EMC: any guideline that can’t or won’t be followed identifies a project EMC risk!

This course is designed to help engineers involved with the design, test and approval of PCBs modules, sub-assemblies, devices, products, equipment, vehicles, sub-systems, systems, installations, etc.; of any size, in all applications and the equipment and assemblies in which they are used, to learn more about Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and the issues which affect it.


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What you will learn in this course

Good Electromagnetic (EM) Engineering is
Cost-effective SI, PI and EMC engineering. Well-proven to save time & money in all lifecycle stages. Helping to increase profits & reduce financial risks. Can help de-risk a product at the initial stages.
Filtering is not 'black magic'
In practice, different options should be tried to find cost effective solutions. Identifying mistakes that people often make when using filters. Filters are usually used at a boundary, that is usually inside/outside of the product. Some product examples.
How filters work
Filters create a discontinuity in the characteristic impedance, reflecting or absorbing energy. R, L or C can be used and combining them gives better performance. Always use passive filters above 1MHz. Design guidelines.
The advantages of soft ferrites
Inductors are only effective at frequencies below their resonance. Soft ferrites have more predictable performance at RF. How to choose soft ferrites. Use ferrites in their resistive region to help prevent resonances.
CM filtering
Filters can reject CM noise and allow DM signals to pass. Key components of a CM filter. Typical single phase mains filter designs. Ferrite-coated cables.
Specifying filters
Know your signal spectrum. Using cable shielding when noise cannot easily be filtered. Most interference between 1MHz and 1GHz is CM and unknown until tested. Problems with real-life impedances.
Real-life problems with resonances, inductors and capacitors
Deriving reliable filter performance data. Damping filter resonances that cause unwanted gain. Effects of temperature and load current. Filter capacitors.
Earth leakage currents, safety and component selection
Earth leakage currents are limited by safety standards. Components used in mains AC power applications must comply to their relevant safety standards. Mains supplies can suffer transients and surges which are larger than expected. Component selection.
Filter construction, mounting and cabling
Understanding of the 4 main things that a filter needs to perform well. 'Skin Effect' and surface currents. Filters and PCBs. Never use liquid chemical threadlock for EMC.
The synergy of filtering and shielding
Stray HF coupling means that shielding is essential for filter performance. Feedthrough components. Board-level shielding with filtering. Conducted emissions can cause radiated emission test failures.
Some useful references
A comprehensive list of references and tools which the course instructor finds invaluable.

Pricing Plans

Choose from three different pricing plans that meet your needs and expectations. Begin your learning journey today.


  • Ideal for Engineers involved with design and testing of electronic products
  • Online video access for 11 weeks for 1 person
  • Every online access can be extended for free for 1 month
  • All lessons available immediately
  • PDF Certificate (after completing activities) for 1 person
  • 100% money-back guarantee (up to 30 days from order)
  • Unlimited video access (once downloaded)
  • Video download available
Course add-ons (optional)
paper certificate
online license
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  • Ideal for Individuals and Companies with smaller teams
  • Online video access for 11 weeks for up to 3 people
  • Every online access can be extended for free for 2 months
  • All lessons available immediately
  • PDF Certificate (after completing activities) for up to 3 people
  • 100% money-back guarantee (up to 30 days from order)
  • Unlimited video access (once downloaded)
  • Video download available after 30 days
Course add-ons (optional)
paper certificate
online license
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  • Ideal for Professionals and Companies with more than 3 engineers
  • Online video access for 11 weeks for up to 5 people
  • Every online access can be extended for free for 3 months
  • All lessons available immediately
  • PDF Certificate (after completing activities) for up to 5 people
  • 100% money-back guarantee (up to 30 days from order)
  • Unlimited video access (once downloaded)
  • Video download available immediately
Course add-ons (optional)
paper certificate
online license
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Your instructor
Keith Armstrong

Keith has dedicated his career to solving real-life interference problems in high-tech products and systems across various industries. Graduating with a B.Sc (Hons.) in Electrical Engineering from Imperial College London in 1972, he specialized in analogue circuit design and electromagnetic field theory, earning Upper Second Class Honours (Cum Laude).

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