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Altium Designer 19 New Layer Scheme

Roomi , 04-12-2019, 05:40 AM

Can you prepare a video on this topic, what are those means and what information should I put in respective layers while creating library files ?

robertferanec , 04-17-2019, 08:32 AM
Assembly: Layer which is shown in Assembly documentation - usually component outline + designator (used mostly by assembly house to localize your components on PCB)
Coating: If you need to cover some areas of PCB by additional layer of something
Component Center: I guess, this shows footprint 0,0 position
Component Outline: Usually the white color on PCB around component
Courtyard: area used by component (for example to help you to be sure, that there will be no collision between two components placed too close to each other)
Designator: Component designator e.g. C1, C2, R10, U1, ...
Dimensions: dimensions of your footprint
Glue Points: if your component needs to be glued to board, you show where to apply glue
Gold Plating: I do not know exactly how this layer is used, maybe if you need for example golden fingers?
Value: value of component
3D Boady: layer where 3D model is located

Assembly notes: For assembly house which is assembling your boards
Board: I guess, that is Board Outline
Dimensions: Dimensions of your board
FAB Notes: I guess, these may be notes for PCB manfuacturer
V Cut: this is used if your boards are in panels ... it shows where they are going to be cut
Route Tool Path: I do not know ... it is probably a Path for CNC like machine, but I am not sure for what exact purpose
Sheet: I do not now

Hope this helps
Roomi , 04-18-2019, 10:27 PM
Hi Robert,

Thank you for your valuable opinion as always.

I have studied and understood almost everything. Still few questions -

Component Center: Is this used for pick and place ? If so Whats the advantage of putting footprint (0,0) manually than generating the pick and place files in output job ?
Component Outline: You mean the silkscreen on top overlay?
Dimensions: you mean showing the x axis length and y axis length of each component edge ??? (Oh man, thats a tedious job defining for each footprint !! )

Can you give a example picture/footprint/project showing the following -
Assembly notes, FAB Notes, V Cut, Glue Points ?

Once again thank you very much. I am eagerly looking for your opinion.
robertferanec , 04-25-2019, 05:36 AM
I do not really use all that layers, so in some of them I was only guessing.

I tried to search for a new component in Altium Vault - to check how they use and assigned the layers. But it is very hard to find recent components - most of them were created in 2014 ... I could not find any components from 2019 ... did you find something?
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Roomi , 04-25-2019, 08:52 AM
Originally posted by robertferanec
I do not really use all that layers, so in some of them I was only guessing.

I tried to search for a new component in Altium Vault - to check how they use and assigned the layers. But it is very hard to find recent components - most of them were created in 2014 ... I could not find any components from 2019 ... did you find something?
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Unfortunately I dont have access to Altium Vault
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