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Class generation from PCB

Viacheslav , 05-07-2019, 02:31 AM
Hello guys. May you help me with component/net class generation from PCB? If I create net class by adding parameter to some nets it will work, if i add parameter to coomponents "ClassName", it will also work. When i try create classes from PCB (Design > Classes), I can't update schematics with that classes. In Project options I have selected: generate net classes & componnet classes. What Is wrong?))
Paul van Avesaath , 05-08-2019, 12:18 AM
it does not work from PCB-> schematics . only the other way around (sch -> pcb).. if you make a net class in the PCB (e.g. impedance class) it will erase it as soon as you update from schematics.. Or you have to remove the checkmark in the ECO when updating. if you want to learn how to add netclasses to you design check out one of roberts video's on that.. https://www.fedevel.com/academy/port...al-pair-class/
Viacheslav , 05-08-2019, 03:20 AM
Thanks for your answer! I thought about that, but i had a dream)) because generated classes from PCB is more user friendly than from schematic.
Paul van Avesaath , 05-08-2019, 07:09 AM
yes that is correct, you can add them in the PCB mind you.. but you will have to have a placeholder afterwards in the schematic too.
always check the eco when you update at the end there is a section removing or adding net classes

ik made some "local" netclasses PCB only for power and quick seleciton of large numbers of signals.. (much faster than using the filter) but i had to remember to turn them off in the eco when updating form the SCH.
robertferanec , 05-08-2019, 11:57 PM
but you will have to have a placeholder afterwards in the schematic too.
- that is probably the reason why classes can not be imported from PCB to Schematic. Altium software would have to somehow figure out where exactly add directives into schematic and that may not be so simple to do.
Paul van Avesaath , 05-09-2019, 12:19 AM
Yes indeed there is still a manual step because of that. You could argue they can make group of met names place them in a separate page with the directive attached.. But I would not like it just showing up in the schematics were I don't want it
robertferanec , 05-09-2019, 12:33 AM
But I would not like it just showing up in the schematics were I don't want it
- exactly. I would not be happy if altium would mess up with my schematic and did changes there
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