Set parameters for Flex PCB
Matute , 07-04-2019, 03:31 PM
Hi guys!
I'm working with rigid-flex design and I having some problems to set the parameters.
I want to implement a stack like the figure in my design but I can't set a double flex pcb overlapping in Altium.With four cover layers in the flex part, so I have to choose a four layer PCB with only the external coverlays.
the second doubt is how to have a gnd plane in the top and botton layers? I only see internal plane directive.
and the last one is about how to route a track on the border (followin the border) of the flex PCB. I know the Altium 19 have a followin mode, but I don't find a good way to do that in Altium 18.
Hope you understand what I mean.
Thanks and regards!

robertferanec , 07-08-2019, 12:38 AM
Altium still doesn't have a good support for FLEX in stackup manager. You may need to find your own way how to explain your stackup to PCB manufacturer (and it may not be possible to show a nice picture of what you need e.g. I wanted to create FLEX with stiffener and even that was not possible - so I just had to use mechanical layer and manufacturing notes to explain this to PCB manufacturer ... also I could not bend the FLEX as I wanted ... still a lot of work in Altium to improve it).
Matute , 07-08-2019, 02:30 AM
I will do that Robert, I have to make a long flex and I can't find how to change the size of the workspace (I need a bigger one). Do you know if that is posible?
Thanks for the answer!
robertferanec , 07-08-2019, 08:25 AM
Interesting. It looks like 1346mm x 1616mm is maximum what you can get in PCB. Would you like to make longer PCB? Hmm, is it actually possible to manufacture bigger PCB? And question would be how much it is going to cost. Interesting project.
See the x and y in bottom left corner:
Matute , 07-08-2019, 01:56 PM
Yes I saw the coordinates but I think I will scale the size in x and I will be sure the manufacturer understand me. Some companies can make flex up to 5 meters and 25mm of width.
Thanks again Robert!
robertferanec , 07-09-2019, 01:41 AM
Yes I saw the coordinates but I think I will scale the size in x and I will be sure the manufacturer understand me
- good idea
Some companies can make flex up to 5 meters and 25mm of width.
- Wow! I didn't know that.
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