Modifying polygons by comparing imported design with original
niranjan , 10-21-2019, 09:57 PM
I have imported schematic and pcb design from Orcad to Altium.
But, most of the polygons in the imported pcb layout are not poured properly.
For example, the clearance distance between two polygons is much less than what was in the original design and they are poured throughout in between the BGA and pads. I am attaching the picture of top layer gerbers (Red coloured is original. Blue is imported)
I tried setting polygon connect design rule as "Relieved contact" and repouring all polygons but it doesn't make any difference.
Should I manually cutout polygons section which are unnecessary? Is there another way to do this?
ale210 , 10-22-2019, 12:09 AM
Hi, niranjan
you MUST create
Desing Rules, there you can add clearance rules, and thermal pads (relief pads).

This page details the PCB Editor's Polygon Connect Style design rule - which specifies the style of the connection from a component pad, or routed via, to a polygon plane. Covers constraints, application and tips for working with this rule
robertferanec , 10-23-2019, 12:57 AM
I agree with @ale210. You will need to specify rules for polygon behavior.
niranjan , 10-30-2019, 04:53 AM
Thanks, It worked for most of the polygons after setting polygon clearance and connect style rules!
However, There are few sections in my design where polygon is poured continuously in between the pads.
Should I place keepout around such pads or use polygon cutouts? Which one is the best/correct way to do it?
robertferanec , 10-31-2019, 09:50 AM
However, There are few sections in my design where polygon is poured continuously in between the pads.
Should I place keepout around such pads or use polygon cutouts? Which one is the best/correct way to do it?
- could you attach some pictures?
ale210 , 10-31-2019, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by
niranjanThanks, It worked for most of the polygons after setting polygon clearance and connect style rules!
However, There are few sections in my design where polygon is poured continuously in between the pads.
Should I place keepout around such pads or use polygon cutouts? Which one is the best/correct way to do it?
Hi, check this:

This page details the PCB Editor's Polygon Connect Style design rule - which specifies the style of the connection from a component pad, or routed via, to a polygon plane. Covers constraints, application and tips for working with this rule
niranjan , 10-31-2019, 09:21 PM
Thanks @ale210
Please see the pictures regarding polygon.
niranjan, 11-01-2019, 02:01 AM
Ah never mind... I figured out why it was happening.I had to set clearance rule query for that particular polygon as "IsNamedPolygon" instead of "InNamedPolygon". Really obnoxious how altium treats some design rule queries...
robertferanec , 11-04-2019, 10:10 AM
Oki, perfect
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