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Schematic drawing

krishnaprasad mb , 06-29-2020, 06:57 AM
i need some help about schematic.in multi sheet design how to connect nets in another paged..in my schematic i am tried to connect through netlabel and offpage connector.but error shows. Error message is multiple net connection and duplicate netname etc..i have 3 same nets in first page.i am tried to connect this through netlabel.so 3 netlabel placed in first page and same net availble in 8 th page.so i placed off page connecter in first page one of the 3 nets and offpage connector placed 8 th page but not connecting these.some error shows.after all i am fully changed to ports.same error presents.multiple port error..how to simply connect same nets in all page.plese help me
robertferanec , 07-01-2020, 07:17 AM
Go to Project -> Project Options -> Options -> Net Identifier Scope and check your settings:

krishnaprasad mb , 07-01-2020, 07:22 AM
i am also changed this all settings.finally go to global. Lastone.and edited all ports to bidirectional.
krishnaprasad mb , 07-01-2020, 07:26 AM
Main errors are duplicate netname, multiple input port error.. sir cam u share correct settings for multisheet design. One signal has one more page linked i need the correct settings for multisheet proffesional schematic design. Sir. Cam u share any proffesional schematic design guidelines or any document
krishnaprasad mb , 07-01-2020, 07:28 AM
Sir one more doubt. Any problem in off grid warning. My schematic some components in offgrid aby problem?
robertferanec , 07-05-2020, 11:33 PM
- You can download our open source iMX6Rex projects: https://www.imx6rex.com/
- warnings and errors with ports: Altium is not good in this. For special situations (e.g. multiple input ports) I often set I/O Type to: Unspecified
- Duplicate netname: that may be caused by your global scope net setting
- Offgrid: when drawing schematic, always use 100mil grid (possibly 50mill). Do not use other grids. Also, in schematic symbol library, always use 100mil grid for pins. That will fix off grid problem.
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