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Version Control System for Library Files.

zd2020 , 12-01-2020, 10:24 AM
Hello all,
I discovered the Version Control System newly. I tried it and it works fine. Only comparing of two sheets or pcb's is not very useful.
I want to ask is there any way to follow version control system for libraries. If yes, please guide me. I didnt find a way to do it.
Thank you.
WhoKnewKnows , 12-01-2020, 05:39 PM
I've been using git version control for a little while. It's true that Altium does version control, but it's limited. A co-worker turned me on to Github Desktop. It's better for starting and managing the repository. Github desktop is an easy to use free app from Github specifically for this. When you create the repository, you can put (practically) anything you want in the repository including files that Altium may not manage VCS status of, like library, project outputs, documents, datasheets etc. You can freely switch between Altium's VCS capabilities and Github Desktop's functionality. They don't interfere with each other.
robertferanec , 12-02-2020, 02:57 AM
- You can compare schematics / pcb, just comparing the changes is not as straight forward as people would imagine.
- For libraries: I started with a repository for my library with directories for Symbols, Footprints, 3D models .... and every single symbol and footprint was a single file with version ending e.g. Resistor-v001.Schlib ... but then I had to go to Altium 365, so I am not sure how well that model would work.

However, when you search for "altium github library", you can find some examples. Very well know library is done by Mark Harris and you can find it here:

PS: Some time ago I made a video about versioning. Maybe that can help others: Altium - File Versioning - Step by Step using Git (GitHub) https://youtu.be/FsV_OWtB2EA
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