How to Route STM32H743XIH6 BGA
Princejude , 02-24-2021, 02:20 AM
Hi Every one.
I have been trying to route a small circuit with this BGA chip STM32H743XIH6 for the past Months now and no success yet.
What i have done so far:
I have drawn all the schematics, creating all the libraries from scratch.
I have tried to route on 8 - Layers (6 - signal layers and 2 - power planes) but not completed yet.
I use Altium Designer 20.0.13.
The design is an Autopilot.
My question is:
1. What will be the best stackup for this and the number and types of the power planes.
Lakshmi , 02-24-2021, 07:59 AM
robertferanec , 02-27-2021, 12:59 AM
Just would like to add, I am preparing to publish a video about stackups and layer ordering which could help. Hopefully it will go out next week ...
Princejude , 02-27-2021, 01:58 AM
Originally posted by
robertferanecJust would like to add, I am preparing to publish a video about stackups and layer ordering which could help. Hopefully it will go out next week ...
Thanks for your reply.
I have been watching all your YouTube videos and I have learnt a lot from them. Hoping to get the new video about stackups and layer ordering. I tried to sign up for one of your online courses but my country is not listed. I sent a mail but one of your staff said that nothing they can do about it. I really need that course for this my project.
Thanks once more for your good work.
robertferanec , 03-01-2021, 07:17 AM
Thank you @Princejude
Princejude , 03-01-2021, 07:56 AM
Originally posted by
robertferanecThank you @Princejude
How can I be part of the online courses?
robertferanec , 03-02-2021, 02:31 AM
Princejude , 03-02-2021, 02:44 AM
Originally posted by
robertferanecI tried to sign up in your website but my country is not listed in the sign up form. I sent a mail to One of your staff replied the mail saying that fedevel academy is a small company that you don't have the resources to accept people from every country.
robertferanec , 03-02-2021, 02:47 AM
That is correct. If your country is not listed in the sign up form, we do not support courses there. In that case, the best is to follow my youtube videos, I do cover a lot of things there and they can still help.
Princejude , 03-04-2021, 01:09 AM
Originally posted by
LakshmiI have downloaded the Eval Kit design files but I noticed that the board was designed with Orcad. I also installed Orcad on my PC and opened the .brd file. The issue now is that I am not used to Orcad, I mainly use Altium, Pls is there a way to convert the Orcad .brd file to Atium .pcbdoc file?
Lakshmi , 03-04-2021, 05:32 AM
Please have a look at this:

This page takes a look at Altium Designer's support for importing OrCAD design files and libraries
Lakshmi , 03-04-2021, 06:04 AM
Originally posted by
PrincejudeI tried to sign up in your website but my country is not listed in the sign up form. I sent a mail to One of your staff replied the mail saying that fedevel academy is a small company that you don't have the resources to accept people from every country.
which country are you from?
Princejude , 03-05-2021, 05:58 AM
Originally posted by
which country are you from?
From Nigeria
robertferanec , 03-05-2021, 08:40 AM
PCB file will not always convert 100% correctly. If you only need to check something, better is to use Allegro for this - it is not difficult to learn how to use it. Important is to remember, first select Feature (what you would like to do, in your case it will be mostly Highlight, Unhlight and maybe Assign Color) and then in Find panel select the type of object you would like to work with e.g. Nets. Once you are finished, right click and Cancel the active command.
Use the right Visibility panel to Turn ON / OFF specific layers.
Princejude , 03-09-2021, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by
robertferanecPCB file will not always convert 100% correctly...
Thanks for the input.
I have open the EVAL kit design file in Orcad and found out that they used only 6-layers, that is, 3 signal layers, 2 gnd planes and 1 power plane. Where or how can I check the via type and stackup used in the orcad file?
I saw Thruogh All under Bottom layer checked. Does it mean that they used through-hole vias in all vias?
In my Altium circuit, I used 8 layers: 6 signal layers, 1 power plane and 1 gnd plane but couldn't complete the routing.
Pls how can I attach picture here?
I tried to use Insert Picture icon but it asked of the picture url.
robertferanec , 03-11-2021, 04:57 AM
To upload an attachment, just press the "Upload Attachment button", then go inside of your post (where you would like to place the preview), click there and then click on "Fullsize"
robertferanec , 03-20-2021, 03:37 AM
Did you find out answers to your questions? I was not sure if you will attach some screenshots. I was not sure if you are using a Viewer or Orcad/Allegro. The Viewer has some limited capabilities.
- To check stackup, find the button called Xsection
- To check VIAs, you may need access to Padstack (e.g. Tools -> Padstack). However if you see them through the whole board, they will be through hole vis
Princejude , 03-22-2021, 03:11 AM
Originally posted by
robertferanecDid you find out answers to your questions?
I am about to start component placement and routing all over again. I am planning to use 12-layers stackup since I couldn't complete it with 8-layers. But I still need more guidance on how to do impedance matching and other advanced PCB design tricks.
robertferanec , 03-22-2021, 07:05 AM
Oki. If you have any specific questions, you can then ask (the best would be start a new post).
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