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AD Lost View.

GCopper , 03-02-2021, 01:08 PM
Help please,
How can I get back to the normal view? I must've expanded a window and I can't put it back to normal view.
WhoKnewKnows , 03-02-2021, 07:23 PM

Projects is a panel that is attached at the left edge of the window. I would maximize the window and then there should be a gap between the right edge of the Projects panel and the right window edge. To change the panel width, hover the mouse cursor on the right edge of the panel to the right edge of the X and the cursor should change from normal arrow to L-R adjust cursor. Click and then drag left to reveal the working area. Alternatively you can click the thumbtack icon and the panel should self-retract to the left.
GCopper , 03-03-2021, 11:03 PM
Thank you, @WKK,
I also tried to delete tables attached to the board, I couldn't delete them, and they seem locked to the board somehow?? They don't react to double click or selecting them.
WhoKnewKnows , 03-04-2021, 03:14 AM
In graphical editing programs, to delete an object, it often needs to be selected first. To select an object, the user often has to draw a selection box around the object. Position the mouse cursor slightly above and to the left of the object, click and drag across the object, drawing a selection rectangle that surrounds the object, then let go of the cursor. The object should now be highlighted. Now press the delete key.

GCopper , 03-04-2021, 08:42 AM
I did, the table won't highlight it, it is not reacting to the select action. The table is attached to the board, when you move the board they move with it, like "Rooms".
There must be a setting for it.
WhoKnewKnows , 03-04-2021, 06:07 PM
You may have to have to activate the layer that the table is on. It the table is on the drill drawing layer, you may have to click that layer to activate that layer, then you'll be allowed to select it.

Also, depending on settings, if a PCB feature's location is locked, it can be difficult to select. Try double clicking the table frame. Other than that, I can't think of what would prevent its selection.
GCopper , 03-05-2021, 12:41 PM
Thank you. They are locked and I have no clue how to unlock the whole board. May somebody else on the forum knows the trick??
WhoKnewKnows , 03-05-2021, 07:23 PM
Ctrl + A selects all items on the PCB design. Then look to the properties panel and uncheck the tick box next to "Locked". Should work.
chitransh92 , 03-07-2021, 10:36 AM
Hello @GCopper ,
You can try below..

- At times the AD tool gets disconnected from the license server and this disables the selection of the components.
You can check this by clicking File-> New and if you see the option disabled that the license server is disconnected which you would need to reconnect.
Attached "AD_LicenseServer_Disconnect" for reference.

- Check if the PCB Selection Filter is on "All-ON" mode as this can also disable selection of the primitives.

Thank you.
GCopper , 03-07-2021, 10:58 AM
Thank you for your response. My license is fine. I think the reference design I am using is locked by whoever created it. I have no clue how to unlock it.
chitransh92 , 03-07-2021, 11:11 AM
Whatever design u are using if it is locked, it can be unlocked as well if that's the case.
Can you kindly share the design if it is fine with you for us to try.

There has to be some wrong that you are doing.

GCopper , 03-07-2021, 11:23 AM
I general, what property parameter or action that I should look for?
chitransh92 , 03-07-2021, 11:28 AM
@GCopper ,
For locked parameter, Use the PCB Filter and enter "Locked" as keyword.
This will find all the locked components which you can then unlock from the properties panel.

Thank you.
GCopper , 03-07-2021, 01:23 PM
Thank You,
I tried to search for how to write rules, e.g., ( InNet, IsVia, ...etc.), but didn't see any. Do you have any idea?
WhoKnewKnows , 03-07-2021, 04:59 PM
If you can select an item, its properties should appear in the properties panel. Locked is a status that usually refers to XY location being locked. This locked status is usually controlled by a check box near the item's XY coordinates fields in the properties panel. Theoretically, you can select all objects in the design and a few common aspects of all of the objects selected will remain showing in the properties panel. X, Y, and Locked should be among them. It doesn't always work that way.

Alternatively, you can select an object that you know is locked, then right click and select Find Similar. The dialog that appears is like a form you can fill out. Let all of the feature remain "any" except for Locked status. Make sure Locked status is set to "same" The bottom of the dialog will have settings you can use to allow selection of all items that match your Find criteria. Click apply and all Locked status items will be selected. Look to the properties panel and uncheck Locked to unlock them.
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