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Cross Probe select highlighting is not very visible in the PCB editor.

miner_tom , 06-16-2021, 10:41 PM

of course, there are some differences in Altium between the version of altium designer that your courses were done with and the present version. You have made some videos to show some of the differences.

In this case, I am looking at a way to highlight a net for placement by using Cross Probe in the schematic and then using Reposition Selected Components in the PCB. In the videos of your course, the highlighting of the net seems much more visible than I can get it to display in Altium 21.4.

I have also viewed your video where you show how to do it with a newer version. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q26CjD85J44 .

I have tried to do everything that I can, including enabling the "Selection Highlight" in "Layers and Colors -> System Colors".

I also set "zoom on objects" and "select objects" in the Navigator panel. I used to have mask objects also set but with that, one can not select an object and move it if it is masked.

Attached is a screen shot of the tiny, barely visible line that shows the connection of a net to a pin after selection with cross probe. And, I have a high resolution display and a high resolution display card, so that is not the issue.

is there any way that you know of to make the connection more visible?

Thank You
robertferanec , 06-16-2021, 11:13 PM
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