Automatic activation & popup of panel "SCH LIBRARY" when double clicking libraryfile , 06-28-2022, 07:16 AM
I'd like to have Automatic activation and popup of panel "SCH LIBRARY" when double clicking libraryfile.SchLib, and Likewise for panel "PCB LIBRARY"
These panels contain the "place" and "add" buttons which are quite vital.
When I started with Altium these panels used to pop up and automatically disappear after a few seconds. Buttons "place" and "add" were out of reach for days before I found out how it works.
Once activated they will popup when you click the library tab again. Only after it popped up, pressing "panel" allows you to verify that it would, because it was active already.
Because everybody will always want to see those panels when you doubleclick a library file. Is there a preference setting to make this happen ?
qdrives , 06-29-2022, 01:22 PM
I think it depends a bit on what other panels you have open and overlapping on the panels in question - like the properties panel.
I rarely place footprints nor symbols from the library. I work in the schematic and use the components panel.
robertferanec , 07-08-2022, 12:15 AM
They always open automatically in the altium's left panel, you just need to click on their TAB to make them active.
Also, if you make a floating window from them (drag them out of the panel), they will pop up.
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