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Annular ring PCB

itramasrd , 12-29-2022, 10:09 AM
Could anyone please advise that how to draw out an annular ring PCB in Altium without using "Tools>convert>create Board cutout from selected primitives" to cut off the PCB center.

Here I able to draw it with using "create Board cutout from selected primitives", but there are video show same sample boards, the enter empty area not a board cutoff, this means those experts not using "Tools>convert>create Board cutout from selected primitives" command.

For example: inner diameter 50mm and outer diameter 100mm​
WhoKnewKnows , 12-29-2022, 10:50 AM
Perhaps you could share a few of the videos or links to videos so members can see what you want to do or what effect you are trying to achieve?
qdrives , 12-29-2022, 01:13 PM
Create a 3D object of the board, using for instance FreeCad, and convert the STEP file to a board shape.
itramasrd , 12-29-2022, 07:16 PM
below site show the Annular ring PCB show PCB cut off at center, but you may see the effect not command from "Tools>convert>create Board cutout from selected primitives"

How to Create and Snap to a Polar Grid in Altium Designer | PCB Layout - YouTube
pcb design - How to make a circular polygon pour in Altium? - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange
WhoKnewKnows , 12-30-2022, 11:42 AM
If I understand correctly, you want a ring shaped PCB, but you don't want to use the "create board cutout from selected primitive" command.

It seems like this command gives you what's needed. Why avoid it?

You can use the board shape editing commands to get the round outer shape then perhaps you could place a TH pad in the center of the PCB.

Select the TH pad and open the properties panel. Set the hole diameter to the ID of the ring PCB. Set the pad diameter to zero or something substantially smaller than the hole diameter. Tick or untick the check box next to plated TH status as desired.

This may show up as a drilled hole in various tables, but most fab shops automatically use their router to cut out holes over a certain diameter anyway. However, when you release your docs, make sure your drills files and router path files have all of this sorted out. If you leave panelization to the fab shop, they should reply to you with a proposal set of gerbers. Be sure to review.

This brings me to your next alternative 😉
You could set up the outer round shape, finish the layout, then manage your own panelization, and during panelization you could put down the routes and mouse bites as desired to make the center easy for you to remove after assembly. Your CM will kiss you on both cheeks for making the board more stable (physically, thermally, etc.).

If the ring PCB is large enough, don't waste that center section, design some smaller PCB for the drop. You're going to pay for those square inches whether it falls to the fab house floor or gets shipped to you as something useful.

I hope this helps. Good luck 🤞

itramasrd , 01-01-2023, 11:11 PM
Thanks to reply.
As you'll replied, I will still use the "create board cutout from selected primitive" command to cutoff the center hole, I found the cut-off portion still let user to put in the remark note as Fab Notes or Assembly notes, that is good if the ring PCB circular the Fab Notes or Assembly Notes in the center.
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