Learn to Design your Own boards : Clarification for VCC, AVCC, AREF
sanjay.batra2225 , 01-05-2023, 03:12 AM
"Great and informative Video. I am going through your video ""Learn to Design your Own boards"" course from udemy.
In this course, What i like most is : special attention given to power supply section pins. VCC, AVCC, AREF...( use of decoupling capacitor and FB ).
After completion of this course , I would like to design a board based on ATMEGA32A , as I need more pins for my project.
Need help and suggestion :
I also seen your video "about 14 TIPS"
MY Question is: Can I apply all these 14 TIPS , Power Supply Section etc to ATMEGA32A design ?
Can I connect VCC, AVCC, AREF pin as explained in course ? ( use of capacitor and FB etc )
Can you please share some study material or schematic diagram or any ""link"" for atmega32A for reference design ?
I am planning to design a Microcontroller board with Following components:
DS3231 RTC,
Please create another course for other microcontroller like atmega32A, atmega2560, atmega2561 ?
It will help a lot.
WhoKnewKnows , 01-05-2023, 09:03 AM
Hello and Happy New Year!
It seems like your questions are to @robertferanec, so I don't write for him. He'll be along shortly to help out where I may have left a gap. I invite anyone else to also reply with helpful info.
Unfortunately I'm not familiar with ATMEGA design schemes, but in my experience, I usually find the manufacturer of the micro controller often makes these recommendations you seem to be asking for in their product datasheet. How to power various power and reference pins, etc.
Many MCU manufacturers often offer an evaluation PCB design that often has all of the items (peripherals) you have listed, already on the PCB, if not, it often has connectors to facilitate connection of all of these things. You can study how they've done it for your own purposes. Also keep in mind that many peripherals' manufacturers also sell their parts already mounted on eval boards for the same purpose. You can simply wire these things together to get a hot code base going.
If you're in a hurry to bring up a system, there are likely already designed PCBAs with the very MCU you want and something very close to the collection of "peripherals" you've listed. So called single board computers, MCU eval kits, and so on. You might consider looking for an off-the-shelf solution.
If you're looking to sharpen your electronics design and layout skills and are perfectly OK with reinventing the wheel, so to speak, Many of these PCB designs' technical details are available for free, BOM, gerbers, stackup, etc. all available for you to study as you wish.
Good luck!
WhoKnewKnows, 01-05-2023, 09:09 AM
When I went to university so many years ago, the most powerful message I ever received was my professors dragging me kicking and screaming to teach myself the things I need to know. Get out there, they'd say. You don't need me for anything more than to tell you where to look for what you want to know.
robertferanec , 01-10-2023, 09:16 AM
Simple answer is, for microcontrollers, usually 0.1nF close to each power pin may be the goal. Also, if the microcontroller is further away (e.g. 4cm and more) from power supply I would add maybe a 10uF capacitor.
After making number of videos and simulations, today I would rather use 0R instead of the ferrite bead. Especially watch this video: If you are still not sure, the chip manufacturer always has some reference boards. When you go through them you will get an idea what they are using there.
I hope this helps.
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