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Draftsman Examples

Fire , 04-17-2017, 12:34 PM

I am a newbie in hardware design and my boards are very simple (compared to DDR, BGA MPUs etc) but I want them to look as professional as possible (because I like it, not for any special reason)
So I checked Altium's draftsman, ehhh it's not the most friendly and the faster tool but I figured out how to overcome most of the problems by making a very good template.
And I was wondering if there are any professional PDFs on the web (made with draftsman or not) to get some ideas of what companies include in that kind of documentation.
My target is to generate everything based on template with a few clicks and then delete any unnecessary information.
I found only 1 picture in EEVBlog which was very helpful.

Thank you!
robertferanec , 04-18-2017, 08:17 PM
I do not have any templates in Draftsman The picture you found looks nice.

You can also have a look at our PCBs, especially "Manufacturing notes" layer to get some ideas what you may want to add. Just download the gerbers or Altium files of our iMX6 projects here: http://www.imx6rex.com/
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