Altium Example File including rules and Schematic guidelines
Kheirdoost , 12-07-2017, 10:18 AM
I found your courses and videos very helpful on youtube. I just wanted to give my sincere appreciations on them to Robert and his colleagues.
I am now involved in a project with Kintex7 (676 pin) FPGA that is connected to a 250MSPS ADC through a 2.5G serial GTX interface, 500 MHz parallel DAC, 1G LAN through 2.5 GHz GTX serial interface, DDR3 through a parallel 500 MHz interface and a video GTX interface with 6 GHz clock.
We are planning to use the Altium auto routing option for our board and since the rules in auto route and schematic guidelines for routing are critical for this purpose, I was wondering if I can find a sample of Altium project for such a complicated board to use its rules and schematic guidelines in our design.
robertferanec , 12-07-2017, 12:49 PM
Thank you for nice words

I do not use autorouter. The board you are describing looks quite advanced and layout will be important. I am not really sure what kind of results you can get with Altium autorouter ... have a look at Daves video, just to give you an idea how "powerful" the autorouter is: , 12-07-2017, 02:53 PM
Thanks so much.
Thanks for the suggestions.
I think the design rules template and schematic guide lines are still important.
Can you share such a template?
robertferanec , 12-08-2017, 08:39 AM
Each chip has specific design requirements. You may need to go through your chip documentation and look for a design guide or reference design.
PS: Still, if you just wanted to see some Altium files of different boards, download our open source projects from Maybe that can help too.
sneha.xeye , 12-12-2017, 10:58 PM
@Kheirdoost you can use ActiveRoute..

Does ActiveRoute in Altium Designer make the interactive routing process faster while still maintaining a human standard of quality?Altium Designer Free Tria...
Here is the link if you want to know about that..
mairomaster , 12-21-2017, 07:58 AM
If you are not confident enough to set the design rules from scratch yourself, you can't realistacally work on such an advanced board - the risk to screw something up is quite high. If you don't quite know how a particular rule works in regards to Altium, you can check some example designs and read through the Altium documentation about rules. To my knowledge, the Altium autorouter is quite bad even for simple designs, leave along a complex board like that. I highly doubt that the ActiveRoute will do a good job either. Why are you looking for such solution compared to doing the layout manually?
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