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Importing DWG, Donut to Pad conversion

JShores , 12-14-2017, 11:10 AM
Hi all,

I had to convert a DWG file into Gerber files for our manufacturer for the first time and I ran into an issue.

Shown in the images below I imported the DWG file, selected the layers and confirmed the "Donut to Pad" settings were on "all". When it completed importing all of the drilled holes show up as arcs on the multi-layer but no pads were established. My question is, how does the "Donut to Pad" feature actually work and am I using it properly? And, if that is not how I would automatically generate thru pads for the drill locations, is there a simple solution to doing just that?

I ended up just manually inserting multi-layer pads for every hole,~225 in total, which was a nuisance. When I searched on Altiums website for the import feature it doesn't do much in terms of clarification.

Thanks everyone,

P.S. This is also cross-posted on Altiums forum https://forum.live.altium.com/#posts/225904
robertferanec , 12-15-2017, 12:33 PM
@JShores, honestly, I do not really know. Maybe you could make some changes in the drawing to make it look more like pads, maybe that could help? I do not normally import DXF into Altium, so this is just my guess.
JShores , 12-19-2017, 06:27 AM
I appreciate the response @robertferanec. So far I haven't gotten any feedback as to the correct usage on Altiums forum. If I find a solution or answer I'll post it here. Thanks
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