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Width Rule

brs , 01-09-2019, 04:08 AM

I have several schematic sheets in my altium project. The name of one of them is "serial". In PCB editor, I want to create a width rule for components in serial sheet and VCC connections of this components. I use the following query; InComponentClass('serial') AND InNet('VCC'). When I execute this query in PCB filter or in Rule window, it works well and selects serial components VCC pins. But when I started to draw a track, it doesn't apply width rule.

Do you have any idea for solution? Thanks.
mairomaster , 01-10-2019, 01:53 AM
It could be a good idea to post a screenshot of your rules. Make sure you have separate rule for this particular case, which has better priority than the main rule (appearing higher in the list). Make sure the rule is enabled. Also when you are routing, see if Prefered is selected for the width.
brs , 01-10-2019, 11:22 PM
Yes, I already have enabled separate rule with higher priority. Preferred width and as well as the minimum width are thicker than the default rule width.

I'm not sure if this can be applicable. Many schematic sheets have VCC net. What if I started a track from serial sheet VCC pin (thicker one) to another default VCC pin from another sheet? How will the router know which rule to apply? All of them in same VCC net?
robertferanec , 01-11-2019, 02:13 AM
I am not sure how components are placed on your PCB, but maybe for this purpose rooms could do what you need (Altium can automatically generate a room for each page). I think, inside of the room also the track width is considered - so for example, inside of the room you need to use one VCC width and once the track crosses border of the room, you can use a different width.
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