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Altium error 'Nets with only one pin'

Chris , 10-08-2024, 01:39 AM
Had an error come up in the Altium Essentials course. I tried making a symbol for a capacitor and connect it to a chip output and GND. The GND connection brings up this error. Here is what the connection looks like in the Navigator tab (see pic 1).
And the symbol for the cap was made on 10mil grid, and was switched back to 100mil after (pic 2).
Chris , 10-08-2024, 01:39 AM
I saw online that we could make sure the GND pin is labeled as a passive pin and this will ignore the error, but not sure if this is fixing what is wrong or just circumventing the error check.
When I try to validate the project, I get the exact error:
Net GND has only one pin (Pin C?-2)

In my view, this seems correct, as I interpret it as the GND net only has 1 connection (Pin 2 on symbol *C?*)
Then, when adding a second GND in the sheet and making another connection elsewhere, the error goes away, as the GND net now has more than two connections. Is this something that I should disable within Altium, or am I still missing something? In the vid, this error doesn't come up with Robert's schematic
Robert Feranec , 10-08-2024, 08:06 AM
is it only this one connection or on all the caps?
QDrives , 10-08-2024, 07:21 PM
Do you validate after placing only the capacitor and Gnd symbol? If so, the error is correct, but can be ignored as more will be added.
If you have more than the one capacitor, you should not get that error.
That error should **never** be disabled in my opinion.
Chris , 10-09-2024, 07:28 PM
This error only popped up on that first capacitor connection connecting it to GND, and then went away after adding as second cap that was also connected to GND
Chris , 10-09-2024, 07:30 PM
Yes, I validated after only placing 1 cap. After placing a second test cap from a random pin to GND, the error goes away. So, I think I was a bit premature on this, but the error never came up on Robert's video, so I was uncertain
QDrives , 10-09-2024, 08:20 PM
Robert did not run the validation after placing only one component...
Chris , 10-09-2024, 08:37 PM
Sorry I should have rephrased, the schematic gave up that error before I did any validation. I didn’t know of the validation feature until I came up with the error and went on google and diagnosing my issues(…)
QDrives , 10-09-2024, 08:41 PM
That might even be the case. With 25 years experience designing boards, I kind of do not see such (incorrect) error messages.
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