Import design rules and net class from device sheets
Shivvrm , 04-20-2020, 08:44 AM
I have multiple device sheets used in a single design. The design rules and net classes are specific to the device sheets. But when I use those device sheets in a single design I can not see my net classes and design rules that I created for them. Net classes help me to easily route my PCB but only those net classes appear on PCB which is associated with current schematic. I have set design rules according to the net classes in the device sheets. How can I take use of net classes and design rules that are present in those device sheets ?
robertferanec , 04-21-2020, 11:01 AM
Shivvrm , 05-02-2020, 05:41 AM
In the end I manually selected the nets and made respective net classes in the main PCB
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