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Red dashed line after pour cutout

waqsoh , 04-16-2022, 03:14 AM

I did copper pour for ground on my top layer. And then cutout the pour around the BGA footpring as shown in figure 1. But there are red dashed lines around the cutout area as showin in figure 2 and figure 1. Is it some kind of error???

Figure 1. Pour cutout around BGA foorprint showing dashed lines

Figure 2. Zoomed in picture of dashed lines..
qdrives , 04-17-2022, 12:43 PM
The question mark is behind region, but I was not sure if it is a region in Altium. I just checked, and yes, it is a region.
qdrives , 04-16-2022, 09:30 AM
The dashed line is border of the cut-out. You can make it more transparant so it will not be so visible (region?)
waqsoh , 04-16-2022, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by qdrives
The dashed line is border of the cut-out. You can make it more transparant so it will not be so visible (region?)
so it is just border and will not cause any problems. i dont understand the question mark after region "region?"

qdrives , 04-17-2022, 12:43 PM
The question mark is behind region, but I was not sure if it is a region in Altium. I just checked, and yes, it is a region.
dividwar , 09-21-2022, 04:07 PM
A fill (Place » Fill) is a rectangular-shaped design object that can be placed on any layer, including copper (signal) layers. Fills are limited to a rectangular shape and will not avoid other objects, such as pads, vias, tracks, regions, other fills, or text. If a Fill is placed on a signal layer, it can be connected to a Net.​
A region (Place » Solid Region) is a design object that is used for defining polygonal shapes. A Solid Region (commonly called Region) can be placed on any layer including signal (copper) layers. Like a Fill, a Region does not avoid other objects, such as pads, vias, tracks, fills, other regions, or text. If a region is placed on a signal layer, it can be connected to a Net.

A region object has a number of special properties that allow it to be used for:
  • Polygon cutouts - where it is essentially a negative (empty) object that the surrounding polygon pours around.
  • Board shape cutouts - where it also acts as a negative (empty) object to define an irregular cutout or hole in the board.
  • Custom pad shapes - where it defines the copper area of an unusual pad, giving the ability to define automatically matched-shape solder and paste mask contractions/expansions.
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