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Choosing a supplier

eduar , 04-06-2016, 03:58 PM
This is my first time designing a PCB board learning from the Fedevel Academy.
My question is: What criteria should I use to choose a part supplier in Altium? Does it affect fabrication phase? Should I compare several of them in pricing before choose one?
robertferanec , 04-07-2016, 01:13 AM
As a supplier we use mostly Digikey.

Here are our basic criteria which we often use to select components for our designs:
- must be available in Digikey (or Farnell)
- must be possible to buy in 1pcs quantity
- must be in stock

Then you may have a look at price, footprint, features, ....

Once you go to mass production, you can start optimizing (e.g. look for compatible replacements, look for best price between different suppliers, ....). However, for prototypes and small quantities we buy everything from one or two suppliers. The board price is a little bit higher, but it saves a lot of time.
eduar , 04-15-2016, 09:12 AM
So, it is always recommended to replace parts on the supplier of preference right? I mean if my design requires a specific part and DigiKey doesn´t have that one is it better find a replacement there?
robertferanec , 04-16-2016, 02:18 AM
I mean if my design requires a specific part and DigiKey doesn´t have that one is it better find a replacement there?
That's what we do and it helped a lot. Of course, it doesn't mean that you have to buy it always from Digikey - for mass production you can use different suppliers to get better price.
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