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Manufacturer for PCB board

Mesharij , 09-02-2016, 07:39 AM
Hello there
Iam new to this field, I would like to manufacture my own PCB board with fixing component (I have the gerber file with list of the component), so please guide me to good PCB manufacture. Or do your company(Fedevel) do PCB+fixing component service to clients. Another things do you do training courses out side country in GULF.

mairomaster , 09-02-2016, 09:34 AM
Can you give a little bit information please? Where are you from? Do you prefer a local manufacturer? What is the level of your boards (complexity, layer count, basic requirements, etc.)?
robertferanec , 09-02-2016, 10:17 AM
@Mesharij yes please, more info would help.

We manufacture PCBs at Exception PCB (UK), for simple PCBs we use our local PCB manufacturer SQP International. Recently, some people mentioned to me http://www.pcbway.com/ but I have no experience with them, so if someone used them, please let us know your experience.

For assembly we use again our local assembly house: http://amset.sk/

FEDEVEL does not manufature PCBs nor assemble boards. We teach about hardware design Online at FEDEVEL Academy and we do training in person on the same topic, but at this moment in California only, possibly US (but then travel + accommodation expenses are added up to the training price).
Mesharij , 09-02-2016, 10:25 AM
I am form gulf country (Kuwait), I am planning to make my own arduino (uno), the level of board should be using the best material quality, lead free boards (ENIG finish) ,more than 2 layers, RoHS PCB compliant ....etc
robertferanec , 09-02-2016, 04:11 PM
I am not really sure about companies in that area, but maybe some other users may help.
saeednowroozi , 09-05-2016, 12:55 PM
Hi Mesharij
This company(http://www.alfamadarsanat.com/En) or (http://www.karapcb.com/en/) in Iran is good for your pcb.
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