Poly clearance to board outline
leighpots , 01-27-2017, 06:03 PM
Have trouble with this one ... board outline is an arc at corners, but the poly pour wants to be a 90 degree and not follow the arc.
Must be an easy way but the rule doesn't seem to apply and I have tried keepout on board outline .
Obviously the gnd poly pour would get trimmed at the vendor but may cause some problem ?

robertferanec , 01-28-2017, 10:39 AM
I can not see your picture, but when you are drawing polygon try press "SHIFT+SPACEBAR". Do it for couple of times and one of the options are ARCs. See the attached picture. I hope this helps.
leighpots , 01-30-2017, 11:29 AM
Yes that seems to have gotten it ... seems to do some strange things if I pour with primitives locked with the board outline corners arced.
Not sure why the tool would place the poly pour outside the board outline when the rule is quite clear - plus it doesn't make any sense.
Guess it's a bug - but Thank you much for getting past it!!!!
leighpots, 02-07-2017, 04:03 PM
BTW I opened a case with Altium regarding the ground poly pour extending beyond the board outline when you rename it.Case Number: 00346330Case Subject: Renaming GND polys on ths board file causes the outline to change shape.The following comment was added to your case:-------------Hi Leigh,Thank you for attaching the PCB. I have noticed that the bottom section of those polygon pours are created from 2 arcs that do not work correctly together. You can notice that the left, top, and right sides of those polygons are set up properly. Renaming seems to "break" the arc connections on the bottom of those outlines.I have added a new modified PCB to this support case with new polygons created from board outline on 'M1 Board Outline' layer. Those polygons should have the corrected outline and should not change when renaming them.I will report this issue to development for you so that we can get this resolved in our software. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Feel free to reach out to me in regards to this case if you need further assistance.Kind regards,Clint Delgado_________________Should you run across what you consider a bug in the software try to find a work around first.Then open a case with Altium support; don't worry they don't bite.Regards, Leighpots
robertferanec , 02-08-2017, 06:11 PM
Thank you @leighpots. It's good to know.
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