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simulation software

Ahmedhelmy , 12-01-2018, 04:21 AM
I need to know the best programs used to simulate PCBs
I searched online and found these programs I could not determine which is special for hardware and Layout
1. flotherm
2. hyperlynx
3. LTspice
4. partsim
5. Hspice
6. nyspice
7. pspice
robertferanec , 12-04-2018, 07:34 AM
From this list I only used Hyperlynx - it is a good software to simulate layout. Also, Cadence has Sigrity - I made a video about DDR3 simulation at that software, you can have a look:
Armin, 12-04-2018, 09:42 PM
Hi dear Robert.I saw your DDR simulation in cadence sigrity. Can you make a video about power simulation in cadence sigrity?Thanks.
robertferanec , 12-06-2018, 06:58 AM
Can you make a video about power simulation in cadence sigrity
- At this moment, I am not planning. It is very specific topic and not many people are watching these videos .. even the DDR3 simulation doesn't have many views.
Paul van Avesaath , 12-07-2018, 03:34 AM
... i thought every nerd in the world would appreciate a good simulation of DDR3! i had fun watching it
mohsin_qau , 01-21-2019, 06:04 AM
That was Great Video that you produce @robertferanec , But this is on Allegro SI. As you have said in your previous discussion that you use Hyperlynx also. Would you have videos on that Simulation Software? Though Small one, but please share this video. I believe Many designers would get help from it.
robertferanec , 01-21-2019, 08:34 AM
I do not have license for Hyperlynx. I only could use it with some clients - I can not access Hyperlynx now.
Paul van Avesaath , 01-22-2019, 04:10 AM
just go onto youtube and search for hyperlynx.. like..

but in any case.. these software packages are really expensive.. 80K -120K for a single license so do your research before committing to one or the other..
in some cases it is possible to get a shared license over multiple companies.. but to give you an idea.. a typical simulation of ddr4 will cost you around 12-16K (in euro's) and that is when you supply all the data.. , so in most cases its cheaper to get it simulated by external company than buying the software..

in my opninion Hyperlynx is the best... but also very expensive..
Armin , 05-01-2019, 02:08 AM
Originally posted by robertferanec
- At this moment, I am not planning. It is very specific topic and not many people are watching these videos .. even the DDR3 simulation doesn't have many views.
Bad news your helps are always very useful. Thank you so much
Alopaloyo , 05-13-2019, 11:30 PM
There is no BEST PCB software. They ALL have annoying bugs/features. I've used OrCAD, DxDesigner (Mentor), and Altium. OrCad is, IMO, the easiest. DxDesigner and Altium are powerful, but sometimes all those features get in the way of ordinary tasks. For example, the most common thing you're EVER going to do is draw a trace; like 90% of what you do is drawing traces. Yet in Altium you either have to type two letters or click an icon, whereas the most logical place to put this function is a right-click. You will come to realize that these programs are written by programmers, not PCB engineers.

So that's my rant.

With that said, I would simply suggest you try the various packages-they all offer free trials. Be prepared to spend some time with it; there is a learning curve. And don't be swayed by some fancy function that they'll show you in the tutorials-consider how you are actually going to use the tool day in and day out.
Paul van Avesaath , 05-13-2019, 11:44 PM
You know you can easily customize your right click menu in altium to do just that.... Right? 😉
robertferanec , 05-14-2019, 12:13 AM
you can easily customize your right click menu in altium
- @Paul van Avesaath do you mean to customize the regular right click anywhere in the PCB window? How can you do that, I didn't know it is possible.
Paul van Avesaath , 05-14-2019, 12:34 AM
Yes you can van drag any function you want on your right click menu.. If you double click on the icon bar (or go into edit mode/add menu) it's hidden somewere in the help section.. There are two right click menu's Btw.. One for inside pcb area and one for outside pcb area. I don't have altium access at the moment, but will send you an image later tonight when I am home..
Paul van Avesaath , 05-14-2019, 01:28 PM
​Ok i only have altium17 here at the moment but it should work the same in 18 or 19

Ok lets say want to add save all to my right click menu..
double click somewhere in the menu bar, you will get a menu " customize sch editor"
find the function " save all"
select and " hold left mouse button" and drag it over to " help" slide over to popups -> right click and drop it were you think is suitable
exit this mode and you will find it is in your right click menu.

you can do this in schematic and pcb (both different menu's)
and in PCB you have two kinds of right clicks.. in free space or on primitive.. so you can do all sorts of things..

but best of all about this.. you can remove all unused stuff from you right click menu.. and that is really nice!!!!!!
just a very small menu and that works perfectly.

that should make a great pro tip for a video LOL
robertferanec , 05-15-2019, 01:59 AM
Found it! I am going to try it. Great tip @Paul van Avesaath! Thank you very much

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