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Create custom pad for RF shield footprint

return0 , 10-15-2024, 02:01 PM
I need to create the footprint for an RF shield. I´ve created the outline of the pad and when I choose the option "Create Custom Pad from Selected Outline" it fills the entire surface as a pad, which is not what I need. Does anyone know why it´s doing that and how can I create only the outline as a pad?
QDrives , 10-15-2024, 07:27 PM
You need to keep a tiny opening somewhere.
After the conversion, you can fix this manually by closing the gap.
However, looking at the right picture, does it need to be a pad?
Robert Feranec , 10-16-2024, 04:24 AM
if you create this as a footprint and in your design you will need to put components inside of it, I am not sure how it is going to behave ... maybe exactly what you are seeing. I am not sure if it is possible to create a footprint with a hole in the middle. Maybe if you add a fake "3D model" only where the copper is maybe that could help?
return0 , 10-17-2024, 07:34 PM
I dont understand, should I just leave it like a trace? I think that if I can make the entire thing a pad it would look more profesional
QDrives , 10-17-2024, 08:52 PM
A pad is for connection to your schematic on one end, and a component on the other.
Now for a RF shield I can imagine that you want connection to your schematic to connect it to a certain net. However, I do not know in the component side.
As for the professional part... in older versions of Altium there were no custom pads (I think it was added in AD22?) You could (and still can) do everything with traces, etc.
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