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placement of components

ATTA , 08-04-2024, 09:14 AM
Can you explain me which components are preferly placed on top layer and bottom layer of pcb design ?
Mini , 08-04-2024, 10:30 AM
I simply try to place as much as I can on top because then I can solder them in the oven myself. If you solder everything by hand it may not matter that much.
Robert Feranec , 08-04-2024, 11:56 AM
usually tall, big or heavy components on the top ( easier for assembly if these are on one side only), small components on the bottom. Also components what get hot is better to place on the top.
QDrives , 08-04-2024, 12:27 PM
What is top and bottom?
Talking about SMT: put all bigger, heavy, temperature sensitive parts on one side.
For TH: do you want manual, selective wave or wave soldering?

If your assembler has his choise, it would be all on one layer.
If you want your EMS, PI, SI, board size, etc. better, you may need to place things on the other side too.
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