What Next ?(Learn to Design your own board)
MuhammedHesham , 07-06-2018, 03:25 AM
I finished (Learn to Design your own board)

and I want to make another Project to implement what i have already learned..

I need project idea to search for or Open Source Project .. or Mixed Board or any other suggestions..

but i want the board different so no one say I copied it.

... Any suggestions ?

robertferanec , 07-07-2018, 03:14 AM
Many people start with home controllers - control lights in your room, heating / cooling system, switching ON/OFF based on time or light. If you are more into analogue, almost everybody is starting with amplifier or mixer.
Something what you enjoy designing, it is not very complicated and costly and you can use when you finish it.
MuhammedHesham , 07-07-2018, 10:02 AM
Thanks alot for your help

I have a Confusing question ..why we learn to make libraries and there is a websites like ultra librarian ?
mairomaster , 07-10-2018, 06:25 AM
You can never fully rely on external sources for your libraries. At the very least you need to know how to check/verify those external footprints. Also many times you will need to adjust the footprints to your library standards.
It's vital skill for any layout designer to know how to create footprints and manage libraries.
MuhammedHesham, 07-10-2018, 09:12 AM
thanks for your reply ... Yeah I asked because i spent time to make libraries so i wanted to make sure i do right ... This is similar to engineers that they copy codes and good engineers that they write their own code or modify ...and also important because Electronic shops in egypt have some component that is not common like ultra librarian Have !
robertferanec , 07-10-2018, 08:29 AM
I absolutely agree with everything what @mairomaster said
Stephbaker , 12-10-2018, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by
mairomasterYou can never fully rely on external sources for your libraries. At the very least you need to know how to check/verify those external footprints. Also many times you will need to adjust the footprints to your library standards.
It's vital skill for any layout designer to know how to create footprints and manage libraries.
Yup totally agree with you! You cannot rely on external sources for your libraries at all
MuhammedHesham, 12-10-2018, 11:41 PM
Yes.Making libraries take a lot of time and effort .. So i want to make sure that what i'm doing since 2015 is right 😂😂 not wasting my time specially there are a lot of advertisements of ready libraries like Ultra librarian and so on .
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