Learn Altium Essentials - Lesson 5
Amani , 12-25-2024, 03:26 PM
I tried to delete the tracks after creating the polygon (as instructed) but when I do so, the connections are also deleted and DRC shows errors. Note: I did this (deleting the tracks after creating the polygon) for a different net and it worked. I don’t know what the issue here might be.Any ideas? Thanks in advance
Amani , 12-25-2024, 03:28 PM
This is from ‘learn Altium essentials second edition’ course. The fifth lesson: improving the layout
QDrives , 12-25-2024, 04:51 PM
You should set the polygon to connect to all same net objects.
Amani , 12-26-2024, 06:07 AM
Thanks but, this option is already selected. The problem turned out that I did not specify a net 😆! I did that and the problem is solved
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