@robertferanec generally, I'm interested in participating in some open-source(fully or partially open) project, but conducted at high-level(x86, GPU, tough GPGA at least etc.), and looking at preliminary description you provided in your video, I consider this server project as best variant. My goal is fun- PCB design is nothing more but a paid hobby for me, and as a contractor/freelancer I have time and capabilities for this

What about mailing list of interested candidates- it's up to you, if you're ready to receive yet another bunch of emails on daily basis

Generally, I think it's worth to consider at least 3 variants, from light to tough:
1)x86/GPU based motherboard(embedded applications)
2)x86 based mother board(PC-like)
3)x86 based motherboard(server-like)
But of course in case of server-like board, it will change the game: nowhere in the Internet there is anything which can even touch such level- 99% of current open source stuff is built like really ugly toys.