How to work as a freelancer?
jpnbino , 08-19-2016, 02:47 PM
Hi Folks,
at first, thanks to ecworks for make me think about this subject with his topic "freelance PCB designer".
So, I had never worked as a Freelancer professionally. How does it happens? Could you share some experiences?
Some questions I have are:
Is there always a contract?
How does the requirements are made?
How does the payment process occurs? (Some percent before and the rest later)
How could be if I offer my job on this forum?
Which documentation should I always afford for the customer?
What type of portifolio should I have?
... and so on.
Well, There is a plenty of questions from my side as I am a noob on this but I want make sure that I don't make some basics mistakes. I would appreciate to listen some advices and cases of you.
Thanks in advance,
João Paulo
robertferanec , 08-23-2016, 09:33 AM
Hello @jpnbino. I will make a post on this topic.
jpnbino , 08-23-2016, 12:16 PM
Hi, @robertferanec. Thank you !
robertferanec , 08-24-2016, 06:58 PM
@jpnbino I hope this video will answer some of your questions:
How to work as a freelancer? The key topics …Answers to some of your other questions:
Is there always a contract? - Depends how you plan it, but it's never 100% guaranteed.
How does the requirements are made?- Client makes specification (or should make it)
How does the payment process occurs? (Some percent before and the rest later)- I mostly did part of the job first and asked for payments after that.
How could be if I offer my job on this forum?
- You can try post here or you can try also other forums, e.g. the
eevblogWhich documentation should I always afford for the customer?- I am not really sure what do you mean by "afford".
What type of portifolio should I have?- You may want to list all your projects, you never know what clients will be looking for. This is example what I have (it has not been updated for a while): , 08-25-2016, 08:59 PM
@robertferanec , Thank you so much for the video!!!
Yes, indeed, the video answered me a lot of questions and gave me some important clues for my career. I could think really hard about where I am and where I wanna be... It has cleared my mind because I could draw the whole picture of what means to be a Freelancer.
Which documentation should I always afford for the customer?- I am not really sure what do you mean by "afford".
afford I meant what docs( Gerber, .SchDoc, .PcbDoc, BOM and so on) should I give to my client and I think I already have the answer which is here : http:// for the eevblog tip... I have already registered.
Btw, your Portifolio is great. There is a lot of knowledge on those boards. Challenging designs
robertferanec , 08-25-2016, 09:02 PM
Thank you @jpnbino. I am very happy you found it useful

mairomaster , 08-26-2016, 01:49 AM
Great video! I wonder how you have enough time to create such content and such long articles. It looks like lots of effort.
robertferanec , 08-26-2016, 07:02 AM
Thank you @mairomaster It took two days to prepare the article and video.
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