SSR controlling from Controller GPIO
Lakshmi , 09-10-2019, 01:46 AM
I have few question on Triggering SSR from Controller's GPIO.
SSR I/P supply 24V.
I'm using MSP432P401 controller.
I'm thinking to connect one terminal of SSR I/P to GPIO of controller and another terminal will be connected to 24V.
Is this good way of doing OR do I need to use Mosfet/ULN series drivers?
robertferanec , 09-10-2019, 01:03 PM
Please, could you provide more details?
Lakshmi , 09-10-2019, 08:21 PM
I need to turn on the SSR based on the Temperature feedback. I'm thinking to connect SSR one terminal to the controller's GPIO and Another terminal of SSR will be connected to 24V. So that whenever GPIO goes low SSR gets triggered and Equipment connected to SSR will turn ON and to Turn OFF GPIO will be made high.
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