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Length Matching SD3 in Advance PCB Layout Course

Tom Yunghans , 06-01-2020, 11:05 AM
Hi Robert,

I am working on the Activity in Lesson 5 of APLC which length matches the SD3 signals on the module. Since two of the signals have series resistors, I decided to try using "xSignals". I watched your youtube video on xSignals, thank you for that! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpk-...ature=youtu.be). I used the xSignal wizard which created the classes and the rules. I then created "accordians" using the "matched length tuning" tool to match the lengths. I have attached a view of the final result.

My question is about the "accordian' itself. The "accordian" appears to be a standalone object, but you mentioned in the video that they can (should?) "decompose" it into free primitives by selecting the accordian object, then "RMB/Unions/Explode Length Turning to Free Primitives". Should you always do that? If so, when is the best time to do it? It seems that if you do it to soon, it will make it more difficult to make adjustments.

I would appreciate your insight on this.
chitransh92 , 06-02-2020, 03:23 PM

The "accordian" appears to be a standalone object, but you mentioned in the video that they can (should?) "decompose" it into free primitives by selecting the accordian object, then "RMB/Unions/Explode Length Turning to Free Primitives". Should you always do that?
  • Not necessarily, if you are happy with what you have you need not change it into free object..
  • The advantage of changing into free primitive is you can do all sorts of things that you can do with a track. Be it width or minor adjustments here and there.

If so, when is the best time to do it?
The best time for you to change the accordion into free primitive is when you are certain that all lengths are properly matched.
Converting accordion into free primitive has below advantages:
  • You can change the width of the whole segment (track + Accordion) in one signal turn
  • Design rules can be implemented easily as it is converted to a track now.
  • Minor manual adjustment for the length matching.

Thank you.
robertferanec , 06-06-2020, 02:53 AM
I agree with @chitransh92
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