Database Libraries in Altium - What do you think of them?
Tom Yunghans , 07-13-2020, 10:10 PM
Hi Robert,
I have been watching some on-line webinars from Altium, and the instructor of that course is really advocating for the use of Database libraries (DbLib). With this approach, you generate a lot of SchLibs, basically one for each component in your project, but you don't add any parameters to the SchLib files, which keeps them more generic so that they can be reused. You put those *.ScbLib files in one folder and point to that folder when you define the DbLib in Altium. The DbLib definition in Altium also points to a Microsoft Access Database (*.mdb). The *.mdb file points to the folder with all the *.SchLib files and lists all the parameters for each component. (see an example of a .mdb file attached below).
I personally think the entry of the parameters into the .mdb file is not that easy and prone to error. The approach you showed in your on-line courses where you import the parameters somewhat automatically using supplier data seems much less error-prone.
The main benefit of this approach appears to be to support revision management of the component libraries and also provides an easy transition to Concord. I'm sure you are familiar with this approach. What do you think of it? Have you created a video to talk about this approach, the pros vs. the cons?
Thank you!
Tom Yunghans

robertferanec , 07-15-2020, 02:40 AM
Watch these my videos, they can help:
- How to create & setup Altium Database Library - Step by Step Tutorial How to Create & Use Components in Altium 365 and Concord PRO (Step-by-Step) I have not found the best way to handle libraries. Everything has it's pros and cons.
Tom Yunghans , 07-15-2020, 08:28 AM
Thank you. I will watch those videos. I have been plowing through the Altium documentation related to PcbLibs the last few days and I'm sure those videos will be very helpful in my understanding of this topic.
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