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iMX6 to DDR3: clock length calculation

Ilario Gottardello , 11-30-2016, 07:34 AM

we are designing a board with i.MX6 Quad and DDR3 and we are in doubt about how to calculate clock length.
As you can see in the image below, we have tracks that go from CPU to RAM chips, and than they go on to the termination resistor (highlighted with the arrows).

Are those tracks to be counted in the clock length? Or should we only count the path from CPU pad to RAM pad?

Thank you very much
robertferanec , 11-30-2016, 09:53 AM
The length is calculated as the shortest path between CPU and memory pins (First length is CPU->MEM1 and Second length is CPU->MEM2 ). Length in termination resistors / capacitors is ignored for this calculation.

For the calculation you can create xSignals. Have a look here, it can help you: Altium – How to use xSignals ( in Fly-By, T-Branch + Other useful things )
Ilario Gottardello , 12-01-2016, 02:37 AM
This functionality is really useful! Thank you very much
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