Hi All,
I'm new to this hardware design field and I have designed iMAX6 Quad processor based custom board for a video processing unit and I have used Rex Open Source DDR layout design as reference. I need to know few information about custom hardware design bringing up. I am following below steps.
1. Visual Inspection
2. Verify all SoC voltage rails
3. Verify power up sequence
4. Run basic DDR initialization and test memory
5. Run DDR Stress test
I have the knowledge to do above steps and need to clarify following things.
1. After DDR Memory calibration and stress test what are the files should I update in uboot ? Is that only the uboot files ? Any place to change DDR clock frequency in uboot ? (If I'm using different RAM to Rex boards)
2. If the custom hardware design has an EMMC do we have any calibration or configurations for this fresh EMMC ?
3. If I am referring to the Rex DDR PCB Layout do we have any test points to check DDR clock frequencies and verify the PCB before the board bringing up ?
I must be thankful to you if you will kindly reply me soon.
robertferanecRegards & Thanks,