robertferanec , 09-29-2017, 08:06 AM
I agree with @mairomaster.
It is very hard to say just from picture what could be the solution. Maybe, when they used so small pitch, that could be the reason why they had to go for 3+N+3? Using small chips makes the PCB more expensive.
I am not expert in simulations, but we did have board which passed simulations perfectly and the real memory interface was failing occasionally. So, even if your simulation results will be ok, for this kind of layout (multiple tracks over each other on multiple layers without close reference plane), I am not sure how much I would rely on the results.
The thing is, your tracks are very short and it looks to me, they only go to one footprint. So, maybe this also plays role and maybe that gives you some advantage (so even imperfectly routed tracks still can work oki). However, would I risk it? I do not know. Especially if this is a very first prototype, I would probably try to design it based on the reference board - so you can be sure, that your first prototype works oki and you can use it for further development (e.g. software, enclosure, applications, ....). If everything works oki, and you would need to optimize the cost, than maybe later I would try to experiment and I would try to move it to cheaper PCB ... but I would definitely pointed out to my boss, that it is the area where even NXP didn't go.