Hi, i had a question about resistor termination in high speed design,i want to know what are their benefits,when to use it,and how to choose the correct value,and did they affect on impedance (single ended)?
robertferanec , 12-16-2015, 01:43 PM
Proper termination helps to get the best quality of the signal. Normally I use termination as recommended by reference schematic or design guide. If needed, you can play with different termination values. If you would like to see how the termination influence signal, the best is to simulate it. Termination doesn't influence impedance of track (this is calculated based on the track geometry and stackup parameters), but termination can for example help to adjust the impedance on the inputs / outputs.
hajri_abderaouf , 12-17-2015, 03:18 AM
Thanks robert,
robertferanec , 12-17-2015, 11:41 AM
You can play with simple simulation in Altium. There are also some termination options. It's nice to see how it can influence signal.
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