1) I do not us automatic fanout. Try to fan out the first two rows out of the BGA, rest of the VIAs I usually place the way it is good for routing. This is explained more in Advanced PCB Layout course.
2) Again, in Advanced PCB Layout. But, some time ago I wrote an article for altium, this can help:
https://resources.altium.com/pcb-des...nd-cpu-fan-out3) This can help to answer your question:
https://www.fedevel.com/designhelp/f...=9311#post93114) They are accessible in through hole VIAs and buried VIAs. This can give you some ideas how different stackups are done:
https://www.fedevel.com/welldoneblog...your-projects/ (uVIAs on additional layers = much more expensive PCB)
5) I do not use uVIAs to transfer power.
6) Usually number of power planes is defined by CPU (for very complex CPUs you may need 4 power planes). From EMC/EMI point of view ideally you would like to have GND planes on both sides around signal layer
7) In advanced PCB layout you will be working with our open source project and you can download full documentation here
https://www.imx6rex.com/ For Advanced Hardware Design Course, the schematic and full layout is not available (for that course we had to use a third party design and they only allowed us to share some information, not the whole project)
8) No other option to route it, no space.
9) Yep, layout is sometimes difficult

Sometimes you just need to try ... and you will see.