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Aleksandr , 07-23-2024, 11:47 AM
Hi! I am not able to understand whether the SMARC module can work as PCIE target/endpoint. I have the perception, it can. Can I use then only data lanes together with CLK signals? Can I leave RESET and REQ nets unconnected? I'm planning to install my board with the SMARC module in the desktop computer's PCIe slot.
Ля, , 07-23-2024, 05:58 PM
Reset usually goes from MB to PCI-E devices, so you can leave it unconnected but it may not work. If REQ is interrupt request then also no threat to your pc but again may not work as intended. And considering this wiki I rather wouldn`t do that, at least without checking pin-to pin compatibility, too easy to make a short or reverse polarity. And also its not clear to me how should this work, you basicaly trying to connect two computers via PCI-E
Aleksandr , 07-23-2024, 06:07 PM
Thanks for answering. I see, it is risky to try doing that. I hoped (I was told) that SMARC can operate both as the root and as the endpoint. Now I see, it is not very likely.
Ля, , 07-23-2024, 06:12 PM
The module should be designed and programmed to work like that. I would check the pinout first, and after that I would try to contact the module manufacturer to ask if the module is designed for using as PCI-E slave
Aleksandr , 07-23-2024, 06:14 PM
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