Highlight Object when use Cross Probe on SCH and Place Component PCB
Hung , 10-26-2020, 02:48 AM
Hi all
I'm working on my PCB. When I use function (Cross Probe) on SCH, Object will highlight in PCB. So when I placement component, It's not work althought I used (CrossProbe). See Picture below.
robertferanec , 10-26-2020, 09:27 AM
Maybe this can help? Altium keeps changing behavior of this process, so I need to keep coming out with different ways how to do it.
Hung , 10-26-2020, 10:43 PM
I too do that. But it's no highlight when I move component. I saw that It's still highlight when you move component
robertferanec , 10-29-2020, 06:06 AM
Behavior depends on the version of Altium Designer you use. In some versions they "improved" the feature (or to be precise, they broke it).
Hung, 10-29-2020, 06:29 AM
Ohh! thanks you so much
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