What would you like to understand better about high speed?
Robert Feranec , 08-04-2023, 10:55 AM
I would like to know what topics to cover in future youtube videos.
Stephen , 08-04-2023, 01:03 PM
I'd like to get a better understanding of stack-up considerations, reference planes, etc
Selvaprasad , 08-04-2023, 04:46 PM
Yes, also include schematics and layout design rules of high speed designs.
Prometheus , 08-04-2023, 05:32 PM
Signal modulations, channel modeling (noise, distortion, BER...)
Farouk , 08-04-2023, 10:53 PM
I'd like to understand how to obtain the tolerances for the match delay
, 08-05-2023, 06:51 AM
I'd like to know more about different transmission line models like microstrip, stripline, coplanar ungrounded/grounded microstrip, and the different applications for them for both high speed and RF design.
QDrives , 08-05-2023, 09:42 PM
To continue on a post on the Fedefel forum on co-planar waveguides. Most calculators still change the impedance with the return (co-planar) moves from 1mm to 10mm. If that were the case, than any signal line within that distance on a so called non co-planar would also cause an impedance change. Perhaps one of you friends can explain / simulate.
Robert Feranec , 08-07-2023, 05:27 AM
if I find someone who can talk about this, I will make an interview video on the topic of calculating impedance for different situations
ATHONOR , 08-08-2023, 07:03 PM
I'd recommend doing a video for passing high speed layout to another engineer (e.g. from a schematic designer). Feel this is a skill people struggle with, on telling their layout guy what you actually want him to do. I put as much info in the schematic, and also follow up with a "Constraints document", but would be good to hear other peoples takes on this.
Alex Batista , 08-11-2023, 01:45 AM
I would like to know better about how to terminate properly a high speed bus. Which type of terminations I can use and when to use it.
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