Shielding for EMC
How to quickly and cost-effectively design good EMC Shielding, from DC to 10+GHz.
using conductive areas and volumes (e.g. enclosures), including PCB-mounted shields.
All well-proven (34+ years), future-proof, practical design techniques, described in plain English suitable for all electrical/electronic engineering graduates, or similar.
Six chapters, each taking about half an hour.
Includes a powerful, well-proven, and simple shielding design technique for visualizing the flow of surface currents, which have a 1:1 relationship with their local EM fields.
This avoids having to use Maxwell's (or any) equations or field solvers when you don't need to consider every millimetre, gram, cent, etc., for special or critical applications.
These practical techniques are 'future-proof' because they are based on the wavelength at the highest frequency that needs to be managed for emissions or immunity. These techniques are easy to adapt to different EMC test standards or EM environments, using simple and well-proven practical methods described in my course Module 1: "The Basics of EMC", which is provided free on request.