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Customized assembly drawing : Component Value displayed

SHR007 , 03-05-2020, 05:30 AM
I am trying to have a customized assembly drawing that would show the component value ( ex. 100nF_25V) next to its reference designator ( ex. C114)
An example of this is shown in the image attached. Although this is unconventional, it seems convenient for hand soldering a PCB.

Is there a way possible to make this happen? I wish that the .brd file would synchronize with my .dsn file in order to retrieve the component value.

robertferanec , 03-09-2020, 12:46 AM
Interesting. Maybe it could be possible - Properties Value is usually available in PCB (when you use Info command on a symbol, you should see also Value).

This is what I found:
"In order to phyically see the "Value" on the footprint, you will need to add a placeholder to the footprint at the symbol level. from the menus, select Layout => Labels. Here you you will select "Value" and click on the place you want your value to appear on the footprint. Make sure it is getting put on the layer you want in the "Options" tab. Then, just type in some letters for the placeholder, e.g. VAL and select Done. Once you save the footprint, you will need to refresh the footprints at the board level in order to get the new property placeholder annotated on the footprints already in the board database.I don't use this, so don't know for sure, but you might have to read the netlist back in to populate the placeholder with the actual value from the schematic."

I can't try it (my Allegro license expired), but please let me know when you make it work. Thank you.
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