Script to export DXF and OBD
Eugene , 05-13-2018, 08:12 PM
Hi Guys
Recently i try to write a script with "one button" to export the dxf and obd.
i try to use axlRunBatchDBProgram but i fail to do so,
Q1) Dxf commend
axlRunBatchDBProgram("dxf out" "a2dxf -u MILS -a 2 dlibx2iff 123 %s")
* this commend able to run the function but the cnv file is fix, which mean if user want to export other layer then it is not working.
* any idea how can i edit the cnv file automatically according to user need?
Q2) Obd parameter file not found inside batchhelp folder
Please help.
robertferanec , 05-14-2018, 09:11 AM
Eugene, I do not really know

Maybe, try to ask Cadence support, they may be able to help.
Eugene , 05-14-2018, 08:13 PM
no prob, let me try to ask them.=)
Thanks for your reply
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