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Down version to 16.6

Armin , 02-13-2019, 02:18 AM
I installed Allegro version 17.2 for using step file which can export from this version but now I can not down convert it to 16.6.
I need to convert Allegro file to Altium but I tried it with Altium version 17 and 18 but these two version can not import Allegro 17.2 BRD file from import wizard menu.
Do you have any idea how can I convert Allegro 17.2 to Altium?
robertferanec , 02-13-2019, 12:44 PM
I think, they should be able to convert it if you have Allegro 17.2 installed. Altium need some files from Cadence to be able to convert the file - so you may need to have the correct Cadence version installed and PATH specified (altium will ask for the file it needs - I do not remember which one it is, but if it still doesn't work, I will try to find it - let me know).
Armin , 02-14-2019, 03:52 AM
No need dear Robert. I found it. I think it is not possible to convert brd V17.2 to Altium directly. You should make alg file from brd first and then can convert to Altium. Thanks for your support BTW.
robertferanec , 02-15-2019, 12:02 PM
I will try it. I think I have converted layout in Allegro 17.2 to Altium in past - but I am not 100% sure.
Armin , 02-15-2019, 11:17 PM
Thank you so much dear Robert
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